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Don’t Miss the Start of the Christmas Shopping Season!

The visitor traffic at PHH Group Marketplace increases by about 30% during Black Friday and the pre-Christmas period, while the number of orders grows by an average of 60% compared to regular shopping days. What should retailers do right now to not miss out on the busiest shopping season and to be where modern consumers are shopping for gifts – online?

It is estimated that during Black Friday promotions, sellers on PHH Group  Marketplace receive about 40 orders per minute, and during the pre-Christmas period, approximately 26 orders per minute.

Clearly, Black Friday and Christmas are peaks for e-commerce, when the opportunity to sell and earn the most opens up. This opportunity needs to be leveraged by all sellers. It’s not overly complicated to achieve if you take advantage of the trading infrastructure created for sellers – the marketplace. However, to be ready for the major pre-holiday sales, you should hurry.

5 Steps for Selling on PHH Group Marketplace:

Step One: Register!** By taking this step now, you can start selling before the Black Friday sales and Christmas – all formalities and preparation processes can take from 3 to 4 weeks.

Step Two: Sign the contract.** After this step, you will receive access to the "" marketplace’s internal system, through which you will manage your assortment and customer orders.

Step Three: Get ready to sell.** Each seller needs to prepare quality product descriptions and photos. If you plan to sell outside Lithuania, product descriptions need to be prepared in Latvian, Estonian, or Finnish.

Step Four: Prepare special offers.** Think about special holiday bundles, festive packaging, or small gifts for those who spend a certain amount of money.

Step Five: Sell and earn!** Monitor and analyze sales data: track which products customers view, which ones they buy the most, and which ones they return – and for what reasons. Draw conclusions and prepare for a successful peak shopping season next year.

"" is part of the largest e-commerce company in the Baltic states, "PHH Group," which means that with one access, sellers can sell in 4 countries: Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, and Finland.

For more information about selling opportunities on the Marketplace, click here.